7 Easy Ways to Make Your Home More Sustainable


Anywhere Integrated Services


August 5, 2024

A woman setting the thermostat holding her dog

Sustainable homes are unquestionably better for the planet, and because the materials used to maintain them are typically stronger and last longer, they also offer opportunity for cost savings. Environmentalists suggest a few simple and budget-friendly ways to make your home more sustainable. Cutting back by making some of these small changes might allow you to save up for a future financial goal!

1. Use Fewer Disposables - Take inventory of the single-use items you use regularly, like paper towels and plastic bags. Then commit to using sustainable alternatives; reusable rags instead of paper towels, glass or washable silicone pouches in place of plastic storage bags.  

2. Save Your Jars - After a good washing, all those jam, pasta sauce and pickle jars can be used to shake your salad dressings and/or store anything from leftovers to homemade favorites, or even as impromptu flower vases.  

3. Invest in Glass Containers - Think of the savings. The lidded glass food storage containers you buy today will outlast dozens, maybe hundreds, of disposable plastic containers over the long haul.  

4. Use Dryer Balls Instead of Dryer Sheets - Dryer sheets reduce static, but they're packed with chemicals that can be toxic to the environment once you've tossed them in the trash. Reusable dryer balls are eco-friendly and can be scented with a few drops of essential oils if desired.  

5. Eat More Plant-Based Foods - Animal agriculture has a significant impact on the environment. If going meat-free is out of the question, lower your carbon imprint by planning a few meatless meals each week or try a few of the plant-based ‘meats’ now available in grocery stores. 

6. Turn the Thermostat Up (or Down) - Adjusting the thermostat by just two degrees can have a major impact on how much electricity your home uses,  especially with a programmable thermostat that can raise the temp when you're not at home and cool it down before you get home. Using less air conditioning and heat can save big on utility bills.  

7. Look Into Renewable Energy Options - Many electric providers allow customers to pay a little extra to have some or all of their electricity come from renewable sources like wind and solar energy. Check with your provider to see what’s available to you.  

*Adapted from an article published by RISMedia

This material is meant for general illustration and/or informational purposes only. Although the information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, no representation is made as to its accuracy. This material is not intended to be construed as legal, tax or investment advice. You are encouraged to consult your legal, tax or investment professional for specific advice.  

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